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Los Banos 2014/05/17 Luhartz Euskal-Amerikarren artean

Rafa | mayo 17, 2014

Atzo Californiako Los Baños Herrian, bueltatxo bat, azpaldiko lagunak ikusi, soinu frogak, janari eta edari goxoak, bertso saio polita, eta gero eromeri giro polita!

Luhartz Los Banos

Luhartz Los Banos


Escrito por Rafa


Esta publicación tiene actualmente 2 comentarios

  1. Ali

    septiembre 22, 2014, (1:35 pm)

    Wonderful thought-provoking post, as usual. Love what I see of wodnaosp products, and adore their cause, as I live in and love the woods, myself.I do regularly engage in volunteer work and highly encourage everyone to give time of themselves, not just their money, in service to others. Helping others is the highest purpose of all.[]

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